While one might think of limbo as an indeterminate state of oblivion, “Dancing in Limbo” actually provided artist Martica Griffin with a tangible jumping off point for her painting of the same name. “I always like having a basis to begin a new piece,” says Martica. “It makes things so much easier.” This time the basis to begin happened to be the title song of my soon-to-be-released solo CD, “Dancing in Limbo.”
Martica created and donated her painting “Dancing in Limbo” for my upcoming CD release/silent art auction fundraiser. “Infinite Possibility – A Night of Music, Art & Women Helping Women” takes place in Dallas, Texas, Saturday, March 27, 2010 and will benefit Women for Women International. Please check out the all-new event website (www.infinitepossibilityevents.com) to learn more about the cause, meet the participating artists, see their amazing artwork, hear some of my music and learn how you too can be a part of Infinite Possibility.
The video below shows Martica in action as she shares a bit about her personal creative philosophy. (In the weeks leading up to Infinite Possibility I will introduce all 13 artists and share their videos here and on the event website.)
(To view full screen through YouTube click here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K2uGHrf5lGU)
Although “Dancing in Limbo” was the first time Martica painted a piece inspired solely by a specific song, she often uses themes as a starting point for her artwork. At present, she’s working on a new series titled “Charms of the 50 States” in which she draws inspiration from charm bracelets and offers her non-representational take on well known state symbols and icons.
Martica is now concentrating on “Southern Charms,” 10 paintings that will cover the South and still leave 40 states worth of inspiration to spare. She’s excited to announce that she will be the featured artist at Tinney Contemporary this April where “Southern Charms” debuts Saturday, April 3rd.
Martica and I became friends years ago when my first copywriting job out of college took me to an advertising agency in Nashville where she was an art director. She now owns and operates a long-standing Nashville advertising agency, ASAP (Alternative Strategic Advertising & Promotions.) As a friend, and as a creativity coach, it’s been a joy for me to watch Martica’s journey back to her love of painting over the last ten years or so. After watching her short film, and seeing her fabulous artwork, I think you’ll agree that this is a woman who has definitely created her own Mid-Life Oasis™.
All the best from my creative oasis to yours,
Jill Allison Bryan
Singer/Songwriter/Creativity Coach/Believer in Infinite Possibilities
I love the idea of taking a word has a negative connontation and converting it into something positive. I will never think of "limbo" in the same light.
Can't wait for you to hear the song too! :)
Jill, your event website is beautiful. A wonderful cause, amazing songs, inspired artwork. Just brilliant from start to finish. I wish I could be there. I bought a ticket just in case the Muse Calgon comes and takes me away!
Yours in KMCC...
Kathy, thank you so much for your uplifting message. Wow! I'll float through the rest of my day on those sweet words. Since I am a definite believer in Infinite Possibility - I will hold out hope that you may just magically make it here yet!
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