Margaret Wolf admits there was a time when creativity took a back seat to the rest of her life, but not anymore. “I no longer steal time for my art,” says Margaret. “I made a promise to myself that the rest of my life would have to work around my creative pursuits.” A photographer/artist/writer, who recently held her one-woman show, “Three Cubed” at the Janette Kennedy Gallery in Dallas, Texas, Margaret says it’s a joy and a privilege to live a life immersed in her creative process.
As one of the 13 talented artists who agreed to donate an original piece of art to Infinite Possibility, A Night of Music, Art & Women Helping Women, (a celebration for the release of my solo CD, “Dancing in Limbo,” and silent art auction benefiting Women for Women International) I chose my song “Parallel Lives” for Margaret. This selection proved to be fairly serendipitous.

As she shares in her inspiring video below, although Margaret has always realized the value of living a creative life, she recently made the conscious decision to honor her true creative spirit at all times – to live her creative truth every day. She has successfully created a very satisfying MidLife Oasis™ for herself, and I for one am absolutely inspired by her!
Click here to watch connect directly to video if you're unable to view above. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lSqi3YQJ56I)
No stranger to combing art and philanthropy, Margaret recently curated an charitable exhibit of 40 Dallas-based photographers (Living in Gratitude) and raised thousands of dollars for the North Texas Food Bank. “I feel lucky to be able to use my creative gifts to help others,” says Margaret.
And I feel lucky to call Margaret Wolf my friend. To see more of Margaret’s beautiful images visit her at www.margaretwolf.com.
And I feel lucky to call Margaret Wolf my friend. To see more of Margaret’s beautiful images visit her at www.margaretwolf.com.
It is so easy to get caught up in the craziness of our lives and forget to slow down. It is so important to take devote time to what is really important in life; especially what makes us happy!
"to honor her true creative spirit at all times – to live her creative truth every day."
How inspiring!
And I wonder what the world would be like if we all would make that commitment!
Love watching your event come together, Jill!
Thanks so much. Margaret talks the talk and walks the walk! I love it! I am so glad that these inspirational videos have been born thanks to Infinite Possibility.
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